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[GIVEAWAY] 4-5 IV sevipers
Sevipers available: 64
This is a GTS giveaway. It would be easier if everyone deposited a wurmple and asked for a seviper around level 1-10.
Just post your IGN and details of pokemon deposited below. I will trade whenever I am available.

Please post your IGN and FC below because the GTS is very difficult for me to use and PM me when you are usually online and I will attempt to trade with you. Due to school, homework and extracurriculars, I am usually available on weekends, rarely on weekdays.

FC: 3024-5425-5443
IGN: Patrick
(Feb 8, 2015, 06:44 PM)matabro Wrote: Lv.2 whoops its female
GTS message Arctero
Ign Mata.

what pokemon did you deposit? If it was a wooper I can't find it.
Ign: miuna
Charmander lvl 10 male
Gts msg is Arctero
I can't seem to find any of your pokemon
I've added both of you.
Added you too also pm'ed you xD
Ign: ThatGuy
Deposited Lv 2 Female Wumrple
Msg: Arctero
Fc to left
IGN: Troubleman
added both of you.
thanks!! Repped

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