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[GIVEAWAY] 4-6 IV x5 Kangaskhan, x4 Snorlax and x3 Weedle left[Open]
Wanted: Snorlax
lvl 71
IGN: Aiorix
Massage: Rattus

Thank you Smile

I cant find either of you. You may have been sniped please deposit new poke and specify its level also please ")
Can I reserve one?
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
Ofcourse you can @ElliotProbablyTheBest 

Thanks @"MistressGlaceon" Be sure to give me a shout when you do ")
IGN: Elliot
Desired Pokemon: Kangaskhan
Pokemon Deposited: Lunatone
Gender: no gender 4 u (because it's genderless)
Level: 17
Message: Rattus
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
And don't bother me, I got sniped for the fifth time today, I gave up.
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
(Mar 2, 2016, 01:34 PM)ElliotProbablyTheBest Wrote: And do't bother me, I got sniped for the fifth time today, I gave up.
Were not having much luck are we lol. Add my friend code well direct trade if you still want him ")

Dont worry always a way round  :D
Pokémon wanted: weedle
Pokémon deposited:rufflet
Level: 36
Gender: male
IGN: Jorkaef
Message: Fattus
@Jorkaef Sent, Hope you Enjoy  :D
Thank you so much! +1 rep given

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