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[GIVEAWAY] 4 BR giveaway
Sure thing
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over
Can I get a BR Cinccino??? <3
I would really like Terrakion if one is till available, Hunter.
I already have you added
Could I get a Terrakion possibly?
could i have garchomp and cinccino?
Sure guys I have plenty of all left I'll be on tommorrow to do some trading
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over
I would love a Terrakion if you still have one available, thanks.
Could I please reserve them? Thanks!
I would definitely be interested in that Terrakion if you wouldn't mind.

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