This is a give away for two pokemon,
Sorry its nothing spectacular but I figured people may still want them,
A Buneary with atk, def, spec atk, spec def, and speed ivs (in a heal ball) and with ice punch as an egg move.
Ability is Run away and has a quirky nature. It is in a heal ball (I think) The pink one with a heart on it anyways haha. It is level 1.
An Evee with Anticipation hidden ability and Wish as an egg move, also level 1. it has hp, attack, spec attack, and speed ivs.
Also its female and is in a normal pokeball. Nature is quirky.
(There is only one of each) But if lots of people want them I can breed more.
To get either of these
All you must do is battle me. Add my friend code (under my avatar) my ign is Lo
Sorry its nothing spectacular but I figured people may still want them,
A Buneary with atk, def, spec atk, spec def, and speed ivs (in a heal ball) and with ice punch as an egg move.
Ability is Run away and has a quirky nature. It is in a heal ball (I think) The pink one with a heart on it anyways haha. It is level 1.
An Evee with Anticipation hidden ability and Wish as an egg move, also level 1. it has hp, attack, spec attack, and speed ivs.
Also its female and is in a normal pokeball. Nature is quirky.
(There is only one of each) But if lots of people want them I can breed more.
To get either of these
All you must do is battle me. Add my friend code (under my avatar) my ign is Lo