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[GIVEAWAY] 5/6IV Giveaway
not sure if still able, but can i get a charmander?
Yeah, I still have a load of them left. Which set would you prefer, the timid 'zard Y set, or Adamant 'zard x?
Do you still have any of the Bagon with Dragon Dance?
I do indeed. I'll add you and will be online quite a while tonight (WWE PPV on again tonight).

Would you prefer Rock Head (for Intimidate Salamence), or Sheer Force (Moxie 'mence)?
Oh right I almost forgot about Elimination Chamber. I'll be on for a while too. I will add you now.

Sheer Force please Smile

Edit: Thank you ^_^ +1'd
Well, my 3DS is kinda broken. It still works, but the top screen is only held on at one side. I'll eventually be sending it off to be repaired, but until then I'll probably be breeding less out of fear that I might make the whole thing worse. I'll still give away stuff, but this is more of a heads up.
I'm currently at a bit of a loss for what to breed, so I guess I'm hoping for a bit of feedback.

Would there be any interest in a Wonder Skin Venomoth and/or Speed Boost Scolipede? Both are quite a niche pokémon, so I dunno if there's too much value in breeding them or not. Of course, if anyone else has any suggestions for what I could breed I can certainly give it a go.
i know this is a long shot, but do you have any hidden power ice Zapdos?
Sorry, but I don't.

Bad news (for me at any rate). This is going to be on hold for a while. My 3DS switched itself off mid-game not too long ago, and now won't turn back on. I guess it's just as well it's being sent off for repairs so.
And I have my 3DS back and operational, so I can resume doing my bits of breeding and trading.

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