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[GIVEAWAY] 5-6IV perfect pokemon [closed temporarily]
hey i was wondering if i would be able to grab a pawniard, deino and totodile ?
i was looking for a goomy. is goomy one you would be able to breed?
Hey hello can a grab a male absol please i will be so greatful with you
hey Aether! Can I get a Togepi and a Ralts?
Can i get Beldum, Ralts and Growlithe? ^^
Would I be able to get a growlith, dratini and feebas? :O
hey there! can i grab a growlithe,Syther, and.......... maybe a Cyndaquil if you so happen to have one? :D if not than the other 2 is great Smile

FC: 1306 8806 3471
ign: Joshua
Honedge (No guard, Quiet) [all egg moves: wide guard, shadow sneak, metal sound, destiny bond]
Sableye (Prankster, Impish) [edit- egg moves: recover, zen headbutt]
Scyther (Technician, Adamant) [egg moves: defog, endure, quick guard, baton pass]
i could use these 3 so much if you still have them thank you
ign ren fc 3110-6010-0214
can i have Poliwag, Togepi, and Marill plz

FC: 3067-4716-2446
i really need a Poliwag, Togepi, and Marill Sad im hoping this giveaway is still ongoing and i just added you btw

Pokemon IGN: Marvin
Friend Code: 3067-4716-2446

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