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[GIVEAWAY] 5 IV Kangaskhan giveaway
Hey there @yukki0207

Thanks for your effort and time on this giveaway,

Can you perhaps reserve one for me for 3 hours time, when I get home?

Thank you peace and love ")
Ok,in a.m1 I will give you on GTS
@Fattus_Rattus I don see you on the GTS,please try again .
Tomorrow I will to the GTS to give you.
IGN: Arclax
Numel, male, level 14.
Message: yukki0207

Thank you in advance!
Done when you are ready")

Numel male lv1 4IV Nickname: Chamallot
Message: Yukki0207!

Thanks dude! Stay fresh
If there's any left... I can do a trade.

IGN: Kyle
Level: 16
Gender: Female

Messenging now.
WirelessAids,Fattus_Rattus and kevanick I don't see you all on GTS please try again.
Try again dude, I got sniped.

Female lv 1 Numel
Message: Yukki0207!
ok,@Fattus_Rattus sent
hope you're like
Thank you so much @yukki0207 I really appreciate it ") Give me a shout if u r looking for anything in particular!

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