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I would like one please.
IGN: Michael
FC: 4725-8520-6897

Thank you.
I would like to have that Ho-Oh please. My FC is : 0748-3620-7924. I'll add you soon.
If you have any more id love to have one

Fc <------------
If you have any left, I would love one, thank you so much!
IGN: Matt
FC: 1306 ~ 5327 ~ 2371
Fc 4296-4090-0795
Thank you so much
I'd love a HO-Oh if you can give me one

<-------- friend code
Can i have one? My fc is 0791-4989-5382 and my ign is ash
I'm guessing by the number of replies they are all gone but added you just in case.
<--- my FC
I really want one.
Info on the left.
hi can we trade? my IGN is hont

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