If you still have any available can I have 3 please? One for Y, one for AS and a third as a surprise gift for a friend.
If not, I understand, but thanks anyway!
(Dec 20, 2014, 10:06 AM)xXJettadiaXx Wrote: just trade both of them now then i can just pokebank one of them to my Y
The only problem there is Pokemon can't hold items while in the bank.
(Dec 20, 2014, 10:08 AM)xXJettadiaXx Wrote: is there any other important item for breeding?
Everstones for natures and EV enhancing items help out with one IV in it's respective stat. These would be the power brace, power lens, etc.. that can be obtained from the Battle Masion. When paired with a destiny know it should be easier to obtain offspring with 5IVs.
(Dec 20, 2014, 10:14 AM)Yeo Wrote: Thank you so much!
(Dec 20, 2014, 10:16 AM)xXJettadiaXx Wrote: thx so much too XD srry i didnt say it before
You're welcome! Happy breeding and happy holidays!