![[Image: ditto_by_creepyjellyfish-d7a43l0.gif]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/073/9/b/ditto_by_creepyjellyfish-d7a43l0.gif)
So I used to be active for a month or three here and then I just got really swamped with work, life, etc. Now I have some time and some recently discovered *talents* so I would like to repay the community with a giveaway!
My first experience with this community was Knight Owl's Ditto giveaway (which looks inactive) so I figured why not do a Ditto giveaway?
The Dittos are Jolly, 6IV with Pokerus and Destiny Knot.
This will be over GTS so you are not burdened with my schedule and I with your's. These Ditto are all level 100 so be sure to request 91 or higher for the Ditto in the GTS and put "HojunWHO?" or something to that effect in your message and I will trade at my earliest convenience. See the below "order" form for the format of your request post.
"Order" form:
Name: Hojunhu
Pokemon Deposited: Not A Digimon
Level of Pokemon: 3.14
Gender of Pokemon: Male or Female?
Message on GTS: HojunWHO?
Without further ado, happy giveaway!
DISCLAIMER: If Knight Owl's giveaway is still active I will delete this one, don't want to step on any toes.