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I would like one of those Ditto. I added your FC already.
Thank you very much!
i would really like one of those ditto's, big thanks in advandge~

Friendly greetings from
@Ernin I appreciate the kind offer in the trade, but I don't require anything in return. Enjoy your ditto Smile
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
@Total-Insanity  thanks a lot for the ditto, and i got 2 of the jirachi's so i would not have made any diffrence for me :p
I want one reserve one for me im busy rn but id like one
Hi. I would like one of those Ditto. I added you already.
I would like one of those dittos plz and thx I already added you
I would like one of those Ditto. Smile
Can I have a shiny ditto pleeease, it would so make my day

Pokemon Deposited: larvitar lvl:1
Pokemon Game:Alpha Sapphire
Message:Shiny Please

My 3DS is on child lock due to previous owners
Can't add friend code
I would like one of those Ditto

Many Thanks

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