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[GIVEAWAY] A Foxy (Shiny)Delphox Giveaway... [Closed]
Deposited Pokemon: Lairon
Gender: Female
Level: 37
Message: Foxy
IGN: Yoko

Oh again Ty
Im super pumped I love shiny Delphox  
Pokemon deposited: combee 
gender: male
level: 1
ign: Cannon
message: Foxy
sent u a +1 for an amazing giveaway!
Hey parrypeter25 I can't find you... you might have been sniped.
Hey halllo, there are lots so don't worry about running out.
Hey XIIIthplayerDrygear829DarienDenciati and Rurek just sent you guys and gals the Delphoxes... Enjoy :D
Hey RuinousAngel and KCannon, just sent you both the Delphoxes... Enjoy :D

For the peeps that gave me a + Rep thanks so much ^_^
Thanks alot for the awesome delphox. +rep kind sir =]
Deposited: Caterpie
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Message: Foxy
IGN: Chris

Thanks! ^^  Heart
~ Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile ~
Hey ChrissSixx, just sent the Delphox... Enjoy :D
Deposited: Gabite
Gender: F
Level: 30
Message: Foxy
IGN: Jordy

thanks my friend!
I tend to give away free shinies.
Pokemon deposited: Rotom
Level: 15
Message: Foxy
IGN: Muzz

Unsure about the gender :P

Deposited Pokemon: kangaskhan
Gender: female
Level: 1
Message: Foxy
IGN: hont :D

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