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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
@bloodstains4 Yeah
I deposited a lvl 43 female exeggecute for stakataka ign is dark saichi
@Saichi Enjoy Smile
Here is my new set.
Pokemon: Groudon
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Drought
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Hoenn
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5IVs, 0 SpA
EVS: 168 HP, 240 Atk, 36 SpD, 64 Spe
- Rock Polish
- Precipice Blades
- Fire Punch
- Rock Slide
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):-
OT (Optional): May

Pokemon: Rayquaza
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Air Lock
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Hoenn
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5IVs,0 SpA
EVS: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 spe
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):-
OT (Optional): May

Pokemon: Xerneas
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Modest
Item: Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): -
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5IVs,0 Atk
EVS: 72 HP, 252 SpA, 100 SpD, 84 Spe
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Thunder
- Focus Blast
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):-
OT (Optional): Rin

Pokemon: Yveltal 
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Naive
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): -
Pokeball: Any
EVS: 4 Atk, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Taunt
- Knock Off 
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):-
OT (Optional): Rin
Thanks Blush
@framor93 Metagross can't be in a quick ball, naganadel can't be in a beast ball.
I deposited a lvl 43 female exeggecute for clefable ign is dark saichi
@Saichi Enjoy Smile
@moo311 can we link trade my requests?(Aegislash, Salamence, Alakazam, Dragonite)
@alex-drakon Can you trade 7:30 PM EST Tuesday?
i don't know right now... maybe

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