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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal)

the pokemon i requested are event pokemon, right? so i'll wait a week and then do direct trade?
Pokemon: Wishiwashi
Level: 5
Gender: Female
Nickname: None
Ability: School Form
Nature: Modest
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
IVS: 6 all
EVS: 252 Hp/252 SpaAtt/4 SpD
Pokeball: Beast Ball
Shiny: Y
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Protect
- HP Ground

Pokemon: Yveltal
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Nickname: None
Ability: Dark  Aura
Nature: Any Neutral Nature
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
IVS: 6 all
EVS: 4 HP/252 Att/252 SpaAtt
Pokeball: Luxury Ball
Shiny: Y
- Phantom Force
- Oblivion Wing
- Sucker Punch
- Dark Pulse
First pokemon:

Pokemon: conkeldurr
Level: 100
Gender: male
Nickname: Pennywise
Ability: iron fist
Nature: adamant
Item: salac berry
IVS: 6
EVS: 252 atk, 252 hp, 4 spd
Pokeball: heavy ball
Shiny: Yes
- drain punch
- mach punch
- knock off
- ice punch

Second pokemon:

Pokemon: Sabeleye
Level: 100
Gender: male
Nickname: Stitch
Ability: prankster
Nature: bold
Item: lucky egg
IVS: 6
EVS: 240 hp, 212 def, 56 spd
Pokeball: friend ball
Shiny: Yes
- will o wisp
- seismic toss
- recover
- icy wind

Thanks :D
Pokemon deposited: Pichu
Level: 3
Gender: male
IGN: Lyra

Pokemon requested: Snorlax
Nickname: Curselexa
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Beast Ball (if this isnt possible, than change it to a normal Pokeball)
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spdef
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 0 in SpAtk / 31 in the rest
Item: Mago Berry
-Body Slam

Thank you ! Smile
Pokemon Deposited: Magikarp
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Froakie
Message: "Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance"

my IGN if you need it is Éric, and I am doing this on the S/M GTS.
Pokemon: Hoopa
Level: 100
Gender: N/A
Nickname: Oz
Ability: Magician 
Nature: Modest
Item: any 
IVS: any
EVS: any
Poke ball: Cherish Ball
Shiny: No
Hyperspace Hole
Focus Blast
Knock Off
@moo311 Can you make my mew shiny and change lucario to shiny Arceus

the information can be any


btw I can direct trade for Arceus next week
- IGN: Kevin
- Deposit: Charmander, lvl 1, male
- Requested: Kanto Ninetails
@Khorpion I don't see it Sad
@Murkus Enjoy Smile
@NotsoEpicM You can't have 31/0/31/31/31/31 with HP ice, so I matched the IVs.
@wartty Enjoy Smile
@atonementblade Yes
@stevebs11 You can't have 6 IVs and HP ground, so I matched the IVs. Also, the yveltal can only be in a cherish ball.
@Bird's Demise Conkeldurr can't be Kurt ball hidden ability so I put it in a luxury ball. You also can't have a FRLG move tutor pokemon in a kurt ball or HA. So, I made it Keen Eye in a regular pokeball.
@Arylia Don't put up a pokemon in the gts until you see your name on the done list.
@Mertzstache Enjoy Smile
@Ren You can't get a shiny mew with pkhex.
@Jjrox14 I don't see it. When requesting for the ninetales, ask for a level 100 female ninetales. Also, if you did, don't put "Kanto ninetales" as the pokemon. Just ask for "Ninetales". Yes, ninetales is spelled as "Tales" not "Tails".
(Mar 12, 2017, 12:56 PM)moo311 Wrote: @Jjrox14 I don't see it. When requesting for the ninetales, ask for a level 100 female ninetales. Also, if you did, don't put "Kanto ninetales" as the pokemon. Just ask for "Ninetales". Yes, ninetales is spelled as "Tales" not "Tails".

I have redone the deposit!

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