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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSE] PKHeX/Genning service! Read the rules first!
Pokemon: Raikou
Shiny: Yes
Gender: none
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Hidden Power ICE please, Shadow Ball
Ability: Volt Absorb
Held Item: Tm 90 Substitute (if thats possible lol) or a master ball 
IVs: 31,31,31,31,31,31
EVs: Sp atk 252, Speed 252, HP 4
Nickname (non-mandatory): Kuoko

Pokemon deposited: Alomomola
Pokemon wanted: Raikou
Gender:  male
Level: 30
IGN: Ayuma
Message: Sleeper

Thank you so much! absolute dream pokemon Smile
Pokemon: Genesect
Shiny: No
Gender: male
Moves: X-Scissor/Hone Claws/Iron Head/Earthquake
Ability Download
IVs: 31,31,31,31,31,31
Can any you create a pokemon legal for competitive use ?
pokemon deposited sandile
level 19
gender male
IGN Gavin
Message sleeper

My pokemon was venasuar named PalmTree
my pokemon=Minun
Pokemon Deposited=Dedenne
Level 1
IGN= Gavin

I lOVE Minun Heart
Just a small reminder that @Chawizawd is now helping. I won't be able to assist sadly.
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.
(Aug 18, 2016, 10:26 AM)Sleeper Wrote: Just a small reminder that @Chawizawd is now helping. I won't be able to assist sadly.

Oh Thanks for the reminder! I guess well wait for him Smile
thanks anyway sleeper your awesome!!!
Does that mean I have to request my pokemon again?
Hey guys I'll be taking a minute today in order to fulfill existing requests before I accept any new ones, I will post in here as a heads up once I begin that. Your dream pokemon will be on the way soon!
Can you h*ck me a Ditto?

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