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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED]HA Bulbasaur GTS Giveaway
I've been breeding hidden ability(clorophyll) Bulbasaur lately and have a few left over. If anyones interested I have 8 5iv modest (NONE LEFT), 14 4iv modest (10 left), 3 3iv modest,  1 1iv modest, and 11 random nature (without checked ivs) to give away over the Gts.

If you’re interested please deposit pokemon in the format of:

In Game Name: Example
Pokemon Deposited: Cyndaquil (eg.)
Level: 1 (eg.)
Gender: Female (eg.)
Message:  SW Bulbasaur HA

and then with the ivs you want.

Pokemon like Magikarp and other common pokemon are better to deposit as they are less likely to get sniped!

If I run out of modest then you'll get a random nature HA Bulbasaur (without ivs checked).

First come first served.

Reputation is appreciated!

I'll be giving them away until next Sunday or untill I run out, which ever comes first.
Name: Blkreaper
Pokemon Deposited: growlithe
Gender of Pokemon: Male
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Sw bulbasaur Ha

Could I get a modest 5 Iv please Smile
Name: SupaStephen
Pokemon Deposited: sableye
Gender of Pokemon: female
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Sw bulbasaur Ha

Can I have a 5v please?
Name: Evader
Pokemon Deposited: Nidorina
Gender of Pokemon: Female
Level of Pokemon: 24
Message on GTS: Sw bulbasaur
5IV 1 plz and ty
All Bulbasaurs have been sent out so far.
Thank you!
Name: Derrick
Pokemon Deposited: zorua
Gender of Pokemon: Male
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Sw bulbasaur ha
IGN Cervest
Deposited Tirtouga
Gender Male
Lvl 20
Message sw bulbasaur ha
IGN: Figaro.
Deposited: Squirtle.
Gender: male.
Lvl: 1.
Message: SW Bulbasaur HA.
Hello there....

May I have a 5 IV (or closest) modest Bulbasaur please?

IGN: Agent Antz
Deposited: Vivillon
Gender: Male
Level: 12
Message: Sw Bulbasaur Ha

Thank you !!

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