Poll: What next?
This poll is closed.
Shiny BR Weavile
14 19.18%
Shiny BR Ambipom
7 9.59%
Shiny BR Cresselia
21 28.77%
Shiny Yveltal
22 30.14%
Shiny BR hydreigon
9 12.33%
Total 73 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED]Shiny Diance and Shiny Rayquaza
Hey i would like to get the Rayquaza if you still have any. Added you. Wink
"Two possibilities exist:

Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying."
Arthur C. Clarke

(Jan 16, 2016, 07:30 PM)Julia234 Wrote: Since we're at a 5 difference between the two only 1 may be selected.  Choose wisely!  :s

Ok @Julia234 ") Lord Rayquaza please pref or whichever you wish to give away. I appreciate your time and attention either way!

1<3 Rattus
Can I have a shiny diancie please
IGN: Erica M.
Can I please have a rayquaza?!? My ign is Andrew and my friend code is 521534095773
Thanks in advance
HI guys! sorry about the delay, i'm adding friend codes atm!

Previously known as Julia234
hi julia i hope ur having a nice day
if its possible can i have a diancie pls i alrdy have you
My friend code is on the left Wink
IGN is Wout.
I would like the Diance please, I am online right now.
I added you . Rayquaza please.
I'm ready whenever you are.. my info is to the left.
I posted yesterday but I think I derped up my post , however would like Diance if you have any left, mY IGN: is Ripley, and my FC is 2810-1418-7708 :D I also forgot that for ORAS I have a different IGN. XD sorry

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