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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED] Shiny ORAS Starters Giveaway!!
can i get a mudkip please

2380-4209-4306 ign ben
Iamprooty, mdsmvp, and dragoneidest I have added you. Gabriel you're welcome!
Still any mudkips left?!
FC: 0533-5567-3526
IGN: Kenny
(Nov 15, 2014, 04:54 PM)tygaa2 Wrote: Iamprooty, mdsmvp, and dragoneidest I have added you. Gabriel you're welcome!

I will be online now on. Thanks dude
I'd love a torchic, but if there isn't any left I won't be picky

IGN- Patrick
I would love a treecko if you have any left.

Omg thanks Tyga you are the best eva!
Hikennytran, hero0ftime, and caleb I have added you. glad you like it dragon! Smile
When do you think you'll be on again to trade them Tygaa?
do you care what we trade you?

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