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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA
Pokemon Deposited: phsyduck psykokwak
Gender of Pokemon:male
Level of Pokemon: 27
Message on GTS: Angel

pokemon requested shiny ferrothorn
thx sry for the trouble and merry christmas
Edit received the salamence
Name: Mario
Pokemon Deposited: gible
Gender of Pokemon:female
Level of Pokemon: 12
Message on GTS: Angel
Pokemon requested: emboar
Thank you for the salamence
and merry christmas :D last request :s
Pokemon Deposited: ledyba (coxy)
Gender of Pokemon:female
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Angel

pokemon requested shiny skarmory
thx sry for the trouble and merry christmas Heart
you message box is full
Pokemon Deposited: Serviper
Gender of Pokemon: female
Level of Pokemon: 19
Message on GTS: Angel.

Request :

[Image: PboqPXM.gif]
[Image: IpFRp4e.png]Shiny-Gothitelle.
Ability:Shadow Tag
EVs:96 HP/ 160 SAtk/ 252 SDef
Moveset:Tickle-Psyshock-Trick Room-Heal Pulse
Held Item:Leftovers
ign - bensif
request - shiny latias
deposit - espurr, male, lvl 1
msg - Angel

this is open again? awesome, if not i feel like an idiot for trying XD
Name: Elly
Pokemon deposited: Seviper
Gender of pokemon : Male
Level of pokemon : 17
Message on GTS: Angel

Meowstic male please? Thank you very much! :D
Received the Sceptile. Thanks for it :D
Mind if I grab one of those Cresselia?

IGN: Spawn
Pokemon deposited: Larvitar (nicknamed MountainBaby)
Gender: Female
Level: 64
Message on GTS: Angel
Could I get a hp ice shiny sceptile please?
Ign: Ireannia
Pokemon deposited: Hetran
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Message on gts: Angel

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