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[GIVEAWAY] Claim your prize from Halloween Part 1.
Hi to to all.

In here to make it easier i will tag the 3 winners of the Part 1 Halloween giveaway.

@BlueHoboJoe Let me know whenever you can
@turtkko Let me know whenever you can
@Ubi49 ^
I will be available for the next 2 hours if your online.
I'm available for the next hour or so!
Today and tomorrow I only can do it around these hours. I will be in the Festival plaza from now to 5 hours.
I can go online in 16/17 hours more or less(timezone europe)

I will be online for the next 12 hours. (California timezone, I think we are 8 hours different)

And i can in 17 hours more or less after this message has been sent.

(Though i will send now the proofs of the events to make it faster, so we only need to trade when we can)

@Drangor2 I'll probably be online around that time, 12-4pm PDT! Let me know when you're online!
@Drangor2  I will be around that time too.
@Uri Sorry , i meant Ubi49

@Ubi49 Online now


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