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[GIVEAWAY] [Closed] Hoopa Giveaway
Added you my fc is 4785-8405-2223
ill add you my fc is 5112-4023-3465
my ign: tyler
i want give me pls
my fc is already there but my ign is bob
May I please have one. Thanks in advance
My FC is 1134-8425-3189
I would like one please! ^.^
My friend code is 3110-7018-2344
My IGN is Shadow ^.^
(Jan 10, 2016, 01:52 AM)GrannyTurismo Wrote: Added you my fc is 4785-8405-2223

You're on GTS or wonder trade. Once you're done i'll trade with you.

Previously known as Julia234
Done now. Thanks!! Smile
Thanks again xD
(Jan 10, 2016, 10:49 AM)GrannyTurismo Wrote: Thanks again xD

Np :D

Previously known as Julia234

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