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[GIVEAWAY] Generation 1 Competitive Starter Giveaway - CLOSED
Status: Closed
First Generation Starter Giveaway
Hello there! i would like to make a giveaway for each generation pokemon starter. They are all level 5 with 0 EV's. I hope this giveaway will make your journey more exciting!
Since the giveaway will be given over the GTS, you should request when I'm online in the forum. Each person can only ask for 3 mon.
This is the format for requesting the pokemon:
Pokemon requested pkmn:
Shiny or not:
Pokemon deposited pkmn:
Gender of deposited pkmn:
Level of deposited pkmn:
Message: Peanutea
I'm sorry, I will not taking any direct trades. And you cannot ask when I am offline. I will give a sign when I am online or offline.
[Image: ef48bea48026edb2dbd89930a760a009.jpg]
Generation 1 Competitive Starter
[Image: 001.gif]
Pokemon: Bulbasaur
Item: Lucky Egg
Gender: Male
Ability: Chlorophyll (HA)
Nature: Impish (+Def -Sp.Att)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
- Tackle
- Solar Beam
- Sunny Day
- Sludge Bomb

[Image: 004.gif]
Pokemon: Charmander
Item: Lucky Egg
Gender: Male
Ability: Solar Power (HA)
Nature: Naive (+Spe -Att)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
- Scratch
- Dragon Pulse
- Dragon Dance

- Ancient Power

[Image: 007.gif]
Pokemon: Squirtle
Item: Lucky Egg
Gender: Male
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Timid (+Def -Att)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
- Tackle
- Dragon Pulse
- Water Pulse
- Aura Sphere
If you want to simply appreciate my giveaway, you can give +1 rep Smile
~ A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.
Pokemon requested pkmn:Bulbasaur
Shiny or not: shiny
Pokemon deposited pkmn: gulpin
Gender of deposited pkmn: female
Level of deposited pkmn: 10
IGN: Karol
Message: Peanutea
@Rurek  Traded! Enjoy Blush
~ A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.
Pokemon requested pkmn: Charmander
Shiny or not: Shiny
Pokemon deposited pkmn:  Froakie
Gender of deposited pkmn: Male
Level of deposited pkmn: 1
Message: Peanutea
Pokemon requested Charmander
Shiny or not: shiny
Pokemon deposited pkmn: magikarp
Gender of deposited pkmn: male
Level of deposited pkmn: 10
IGN: Karol
Message: Peanutea
Pokemon requested pkmn:Bulbasaur
Shiny or not: shiny
Pokemon deposited pkmn: gulpin
Gender of deposited pkmn: male
Level of deposited pkmn: 13
IGN: PokeMaster
Message: Peanutea
@donatelo sniped?
~ A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.
Pokemon requested pkmn: squirtle
Shiny or not: shiny
Pokemon deposited pkmn: nincada
Gender of deposited pkmn: female
Level of deposited pkmn: 6
IGN: denise
Message: Peanutea
(Aug 28, 2016, 05:52 AM)Peanutea Wrote: @donatelo sniped?

still available, IGN firafrog
@Rurek Traded & enjoy Blush
@PokeMaster15 Traded& enjoy Blush
~ A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.

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