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[GIVEAWAY] HA shiny helioptile
Hi guys! As my hydreigon GIVEAWAY is going to resumed soon, I forgot to give the ones with the second most amount of votes the shiny helioptile.  So if you voted for that or would like one just post here and I'll try to get to you ASAP, and I have school and extra curricular activities, so can't sit around all day, so pls be patient with me, I assure you that I will get to you soon.

Please add my FC on the left, it makes my job a ton easier, thanks!

I believe it was around 8-10 votes for the shiny rayquaza, groudon, and kyogre, so if you voted in that or not it doesn't really matter, just need to know if you would like one or not.

ATTENTION: You must add my FC on the left to trade, and even if you think you already have me added from a previous trade, you don't... I have to use my sibling's nintendo so this is a different FC.
i was wondering if i can get one? i dont know if i voted or not might have forgot lol
(Mar 18, 2015, 04:31 PM)IxFBaByxI Wrote: i was wondering if i can get one? i dont know if i voted or not might have forgot lol

Lol it's fine, add my "new" FC since my other nintendo broke and I should be able to trade you tomorrow or friday (Weekends as well)
could i get one
(Mar 18, 2015, 05:06 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: could i get one

Sure, add my FC and I should be able to trade you tomorrow or on the weekend (including friday)
I would love a shiny helioptile Smile
My FC is 3480-3589-9954 and IGN is RPS
Added your FC Smile
Can u reserve 1. Ill pm u when i get the chance to trade
Can i reserve one my 3ds is in the shop
Would like to have one.Already added you by the way
I would love one please :D

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