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[GIVEAWAY] HA shiny helioptile
I would really love to get one, I'll add your FC

Thank you!
Hey @Colette  i love helioptile, but never got into the thouble of breeding one. Are there any left?

I've added your FC, mine's under my prof pic Smile.

+1 rep added, thanks Smile
Hi, If you have any helioptiles I would like one if possible. I have already added you. Thanks!
I've added you, and my info should be on the left. If it isn't:
IGN: Patrick
Just PM me what times you are available, because my extracurricular takes up quite a bit of my time.
If you also have the weedle and grimes that you gender for me from the PKHex giveaway, I would like to get them as well, but if you don't have them anymore thats ok.
I didn't vote but I would love to have one! Smile 

If not, that's cool too Smile 

I added your FC
I would love one as well Smile
Could I get one? Will add you Smile
can i have one? have your FC added. mine is on the left.
If its possible i would like to get 1 aswell, my fc on the left, my ign is panos. I added you Smile
Added you! Please add me back! Thank you for doing this! I would like a Shiny Kyogre if possible!

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