I just want to ask (@nightburstpkmn) if the givaway of shiny Volcarona was end already?
I thank you for doing this! I found really interesting the way you all do these givaways with the daily factor and all... Oh! I have a little question: Do pokémon with 6iv's are really difficult to hatch?
@Mirayamma it still continues; I just don't know if I want to close it or not.
As for hatching eggs w/ 6IVs that are shiny...it's all luck man. Before doing these giveaways, I was breeding a Fenniken for battles. Surprisingly enough, I got a shiny Fenniken w/ all 5IVs except in defense -_- w/ no HA...Overall I was really fortunate that I came across a shiny w/ awesome IVS
This is a monthly giveaway btw, so it isn't particularly daily
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
got sniped is it still possible to get one
Pokemon requested:braviary
Pokemon deposited:Honedge
Level of deposited pokemon:1
Gender of deposited pokemon: male
Thanks in advance. Sorry about the last one i took it down cos i thought it said you were stopping the give away till the end of the month. I've put it back up now