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[GIVEAWAY] Jamie's Vivillon Giveaway
@Saeiko Sorry for dissappearing on you like that im back now though Smile
Sorry for my poor connection
Its all good, Im here for another 3 and a half hours. XD
Thank you so much Smile
I really admire people who do giveaways like you
You get my rep Smile
may i make a reservation?
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
@wundrweapon Sure just post your list and add my FC.  I will add yours and when I am ready send you a trade request.  It shouldnt take longer than 5 minutes since people arent flooding in with requests. Smile
@Saeiko alright. All I want is the Poke Ball pattern. my IGN and FC are on the left and I have no clue when I'll be available
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
@wundrweapon Make sure to add me and send me a message when you are available.  We'll try to match times up if you arent available right now.
FC: 4356-3758-1173
IGN: Sempai
Pokémon Requested: PokéBall and Fancy
@Dull Deoxys Enjoy! ^^

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