Poll: What kind of pkmn would you see on Independence day? Select 2
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8 10.67%
18 24.00%
13 17.33%
19 25.33%
17 22.67%
Total 75 vote(s) 100%
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Pokemon Wanted: Gorebyss
Pokemon Deposited: Cleffa
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: Austin
GTS MSG: Dory is my love

Favorite Character: Bruce
Pokemon Requested: Gorebyss
Pokemon Deposited: Bulbasaur
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Andrew
GTS Message: Dory is my love

Marlin is my favorite, the devotion he has for finding his loved one is what makes me like him.
Pokemon Requested:Lumineon
Pokemon Deposited: Dunsparce
Level: 30
Gender: Female
IGN: Julio Cesar
GTS Message: Dory is my love

My favorite character is Crush the turlte <3
Pokemon Requested: Gorebyss
Pokemon Deposited: ferroseed
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Bimboi
GTS Message: Dory is my love
i like Nemo :D
Pokemon Requested: Lumineon
Pokemon Deposited: Druddigon
Level: 30
Gender: Female
IGN: Abby
GTS Message: Dory is my love~

My favorite character would have to be Squirt, Crush's son. He's adorable, to be frank, and I find myself being about as immature as him sometimes.
Your number one flying-type trainer!
Hey, sorry I don't know what happened.
Pokemon requested: Gorebyss
Pokemon deposited: Slurpuff
Level: 1
Gender: Female
IGN: Andrea
GTS Message: Dory is my love

Hopefully it works this time *fingers crossed*
@Julio Cesar Andino Coello

@Andieeee sniped again....wanna do a direct trade together?
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn yes please it may be better that way.
@Andieeee ok add my first friend code and you shall receive them
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
I added you and am online. I'm finishing the last battle at the Pokemon league. If you could give me five mins id appreciate itSmile

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