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[GIVEAWAY] Legendary Pokemon [S/M] (Closed- Only Claiming Reservations)
Green week started
Time for week 3 Smile thank you very much

IGN Joel 
Requested Yveltal
Deposited Sandygast Lv1 Female 
Msg i want to fill my pokedex
Week 3!

IGN: Broco
Deposited: lvl 1 female
Requested: Xerneas

Got sniped (-_-) and redeposited the same.
IGN: elena
Deposited: Sandygast, lvl 21 male
Requested: tapu bulu
Ball: Quick ball
@memits14 Enjoy Smile
@Theobroco Enjoy Smile
@iimlF4nT4Sy Enjoy Smile
Nice! Next one:

IGN: Broco
Requested: Yveltal
Deposited: lvl 1 Male

Is this thread going to beat the record for longest thread (especially now that the ditto ones have been deleted)? Your other thread is a great competitor aswell.
@Theobroco Enjoy and maybe?

IGN: Broco
Requested: Zygarde
Deposited: lvl 1 Male

Thanks again!
GN: Yannick
Deposited: Sandygast, lvl 1, male
Requested: Xerneas
Ball: Ultra ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex

Thanks a Lot!

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