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[GIVEAWAY] Luisito's Giveaway Poke-Store [CLOSED]
Luisito's Giveaway Poke-Store!
New Pokemon every Monday

Read this. I am taking a hiatus.

This Giveaway will be closed on September 7th, 2015

So, What is this?

It is free Pokemon. What else can anyone ask for? Haha.
You can choose one or ALL Pokemon, and ask again if new Pokemon show up on the list.

So, What do I get?

You will get 5IV's, Level 1 with Natures and Abilities for VGC, including egg moves when possible. The IV spread is random.

[Image: abra.png] Abra with Timid Nature [Magic Guard Ability]

[Image: chansey.png] Chansey with Bold Nature [Serene Grace Ability]

[Image: bulbasaur.png] Bulbasaur with Bold Nature [Chlorophyll Ability, Giga Drain]

[Image: rotom.png] Rotom with Bold Nature [Levitate Ability]

[Image: amaura.png] Amarura with Modest Nature [Refrigerate Ability]

So, When do I get them?

Time management is getting out of hand because of the amount of Pokemon being withdrawn. I have decided to host a 1 hour session for everyone receiving Pokemon. This will happen at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM from Monday, Wednesday & Friday Central Time. You can check my Time Zone here.

So, Which Pokes were available in the past?

Ummm... Larvesta, Charmander, Bulbasaur (No HA), Beldum, Honedge, Mudkip, Pidgey, Squirtle, Scraggy.

So, How do I claim them?

Add me to your friend's list and post on this thread which ones you want. Please, if your profile doesn't contain your IGN, make sure to tell me. I hate the guessing game.

So, What have I learned/discovered?
  • It is not possible to breed Pokerús into an Egg.
  • It is possible to infect an existing egg with Pokerús.
  • It is easy to infect 5 newly hatched Pokemon with Pokerús.
  • It is super time consuming to breed-in moves obtained from leveling while still expecting 5IVs.
  • When the Pokemon has 2 normal abilities, one of them has a greater chance of incidence.
  • Ditto is a cliché, it is useful for breeding, but now all powerful and mighty. With the exception of the only Legendary Ditto in existence.
  • Delta is not human, rather a demigod. Too much breeding knowledge.
  • Some people have a tendency to be rude when you give them Free Stuff, they only demand under their own terms. They get mad if you don't accommodate them.
New to the Forum? Visit a 5IV Pokemon Giveaway here.

I am Breeder. Need help? Ask away!.

May i please get all four and if not the larvesta for sure thank you
(Aug 2, 2015, 02:59 PM)Pja2 Wrote: May i please get all four and if not the larvesta for sure thank you

All 4 sent. The Charmander has all Smogon Egg moves, lucky you, I only have a few with complete egg moves, the others come with the standard moves.
Hello! May i please get all 4? thank you so much! ^_^
i've added you btw. Thanks again.
Thanks so much! i really appreciated!
(Aug 4, 2015, 02:08 PM)Animurica Wrote: Thanks so much! i really appreciated!

My pleasure! :D
Would it be possible to hit me up with all five as well? :D
Would I be able to get all 4? if not just the honedge thanks :D
(Aug 4, 2015, 04:38 PM)Justinthepiplup Wrote: Would I be able to get all 4? if not just the honedge thanks :D

(Aug 4, 2015, 02:33 PM)DuntyTheWall Wrote: Would it be possible to hit me up with all five as well? :D

You need to add me, look for me around 4PM CT, & send me a trade the moment you see me online.

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