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[GIVEAWAY] [ON HOLD] Money Making Smeargles!
@Souless666 Don't worry, you don't have to have Smeargle in your dex. You just have to manually enter "Smeargle" under the option that says "What Pokemon?" when depositing your Kabutops, and then it'll work Smile

@Aaroniskill1996 I'm sorry, but you're going to have to deposit a pokemon with an English name, otherwise I won't be able to find it Sad
@BoneheadMarowak i deposite one but it got rrade by random ill put another kryppuk female lvl 1
i looked up the english name of kryppuk and its spiritomb or so ull find it with german name
(Mar 26, 2016, 05:15 PM)Aaroniskill1996 Wrote: @BoneheadMarowak i deposite one but it got rrade by random ill put another kryppuk female lvl 1
i looked up the english name of kryppuk and its spiritomb or so ull find it with german name
Alright, found ya and sent! Enjoy your Farbeagle!  Wink
Ty mate <3
Ok try #2

Pokemon deposited: Smeargle
Gender: Male
Level: 31
IGN: May
Message: BoneheadMarowak
Pokemon deposited: Gothita
Gender: Female
Level: 3
IGN: Leo
Message: BoneheadMarowak

I got sniped the fourth time :/
The  Kabutops is in the GTS

Thank you very much!
Mine was sniped re edited this post
Pokemon deposited: Smeargle
Gender: Female
Level: 38
IGN: Jofred
Message: BoneheadMarowak
It was taken I am putting up the whismur  I got.
Lvl 8

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