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[GIVEAWAY] ORAS Shiny Megas Giveaway [CLOSED]
To celebrate the release of ORAS, I thought I'd do a giveaway of each of the new mega pokemon in their shiny forms

All of these Pokemon are Kalos bred (excluding legendary pokemon), but were shinified with the use of powersaves. They are also in their pre evolution form, are level 1 (excluding legends), and have 6IVs

Requests will be done in order of posts. I will respond to any posts when I see them

At the moment, You may have ONE pokemon of you choice, But if there are any leftover after some time has passed, you can ask for more.

EDIT (27/11/14): With the games coming out tomorrow, I'm going to want to be playing it, and not stuck on XY trading. So as of now, you can have more than one pokemon. I will keep any requests for a week, and after that, if the pokemon are still in my box, they will be back up for trade

EDIT: Due to the amount of people that have requested something but haven't traded, I'm no longer keeping requests, as I'm hording to many, while other people are waiting to receive them.
 I know when I'm offline I can't see your post, but too many people have left their pokemon in the box.
If you want something, I'll only be trading when I'm online on this website, because that way I can respond to requests within a couple of minutes.
If you request something when I'm online (Timezone is GMT), be patient and wait for me to respond. Don't go offline because I won't trade.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this way I'm not hording pokemon, waiting for people to come online.

Please use the format;

FC (if it isn't under your avatar):

This post will be edited with the availability of pokemon


Ability: Sniper (starts of as run away)

Jolly Nature: 0 Available
Adamant Nature: 0 Availabe

Egg moves: None



Ability: Keen Eye

Modest Nature: 0 Available
Timid Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: Defog, Brave Bird



Ability: Regenerator

Quiet Nature: 0 Available
Relaxed Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: None



Comes holding metal coat to evolve when traded

Ability: Sheer Force ( starts of as weak armor)

Relaxed Nature: 0 Available
Brave Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Overgrow

Modest Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Torrent

Adamant Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: None                                                                                                                                                                                     


Ability: Speed Boost

Adamant Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Solid Rock (starts as simple)

Quiet Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Prankster

Relaxed Nature: 0 Available
Sassy Nature: 0 Available

Egg Moves: Recover



Ability: Natural Cure

Relaxed Nature: 0 available
Sassy Nature: 0 available
Adamant Nature: 0 available
Modest Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: Hyper Voice



Ability: Ice body

Adamant Nature: 0 available
Jolly Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Moxie (starts as sheer force)

Jolly Nature: 0 available
Adamant Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: Dragon Dance



Ability: Clear Body

Adamant Nature: 0 available
Jolly Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Levitate

Timid Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Levitate

Timid Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None


Ability: Drought

Adamant Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Drizzle

Modest Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None



Ability: Air Lock

Jolly Nature: 0 available

Egg Move: None



Ability: Justified (starts as telepathy)

Jolly Nature: 0 available
Adamant Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: Shadow sneak, Destiny Bond, Skill Swap



Ability: Limber

Jolly Nature: 0 available
Adamant Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: Ice Punch, Fake Out



Ability: Regenerator

Relaxed Nature: 0 available
Sassy Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: Heal Bell, Wish, Yawn



Ability: Clear Body

Modest Nature: 0 available

Egg Moves: None

FC (if it isn't under your avatar):
@zubacool adding you. I'll be online in a couple of seconds
(Nov 26, 2014, 03:40 PM)Eckley Wrote: @zubacool adding you. I'll be online in a couple of seconds

Thank you
IGN Steven
FC: 2809-9328-6226
Salamence adamant
Can i have both a relaxed shiny Sableye and jolly shiny Rayquaza? my IGN is Benji
@zubacool bit late now, since we've already traded haha, but yeah, random pokemon are fine
Pokemon: Altaria
Nature: Adamant
FC: 1504-6263-8374
IGN: Lenn
(Nov 26, 2014, 03:45 PM)Eckley Wrote: @zubacool bit late now, since we've already traded haha, but yeah, random pokemon are fine

Can i have both a shiny relaxed Sableye and a Jolly shiny Rayquaza?
Pokemon: Diance
Nature: Modest
FC: 5429-9464-1924
IGN: Randall

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