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Pokemon Deposited: tyrogue
Gender: male
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: lickitung

@TheShadowKnight Lickitung has been sent, enjoy!
Want: Igglybuff
Deposited: Chimchar
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Athene5

Thanks a ton @Eugenio
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
@"MistressGlaceon" Igglybuff has been sent, make sure it doesn't float away.
Hey @Eugenio sorry havent been able to trade ive been away for a few days. Will you be on around 5-6 pm central time is it you are in? I believe that makes it 11-12 on the night my time.

hopefully that cleffa is still available ")

Thanks dude stay fresh
@Eugenio can we trade at 7:00pm Friday CT?
@Fattus_Rattus and @sfworld8 I'll be online at those times to trade you the pokemon you wanted.
Awesome cheers man, need Clefable for Kanto Classic's ")

Really appreciate your help !
@Fattus_Rattus I'll be online in a bit.
cool dude, just on showdown atm and EV training Eevee ready for Jolteon on AS ")

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