Pokemon: Vaporeon (I'd appreciate it if you could make it Female)
Lvl: 100
Nickname: Gene
Pokeball: Love Ball if you could, but if not, Net Ball.
Moves: Wish, Protect, Scald, and Toxic
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 224 Def / 36 SpD
IV's: I dunno.
IGN: James
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Bold
Held Item: Ability Capsule
(Feb 12, 2015, 05:21 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: I now know the arts of Pokegenning, and will DESTROY YA'LL USERS take requests and do the thang. kappa
I will take requests anytime, but will be giving you your pokes on the weekends, mainly because of school. But if you can't trade on weekends because of reasons, tell me and we'll work everything out.
I want your request to look something like this:
IGN: (If you don't have it under your avatar)
Ability: (Thank you Miuna for reminding me!)
If I think of more, I'll add them. Best thing about this is that you don't have to give me stuff but ur pokes that you dont like. Not even Reps!
But I guess you can release the requests!
i think you know this
Pokemon: Ninetales
Nickname: you guessed it Fabby
Gender: Female
LVL: 59-100
Nature: Quirky (or something better)
Ability: Drought
Move set: Hypnosis
Solar Beam
Fire Blast
Iv's: 6/6
Ev's: i dont care
Pokeball: Pokeball
Shiny: Yes
Mii Name: Beautiful
IGN: Alex
FC: To the left
Feb 21, 2015, 07:17 AM (This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2015, 07:19 AM by GingerxPug.)
Hey guys. I've been playing alot of Pokemon Shuffle lately and haven't been paying attention to the forums. If you want a gen that is below this post, you'll have to wait awhile since I gotta get these other 10 pages. I'll try to be online as much as possible today, so PLEASE hop online to get ur poke. Again, I have pages 1-5, but I'll make it certain that I make it to the other 6-10. Again, terribly sorry about not paying attention to this.