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[GIVEAWAY] Shinies for ALL! (Update)
I can give you another shiny
(Feb 28, 2017, 06:04 PM)Ren Wrote: I can give you another shiny

No. Stop asking. I'm done.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
thanks a bunch ~ take care
(Feb 28, 2017, 06:06 PM)Zhakien Wrote:
(Feb 28, 2017, 06:04 PM)Ren Wrote: I can give you another shiny

No. Stop asking. I'm done.

Fine, I wasn't forcing you. If it felt like that I'm sorry
The giveaway is closed.

I'll come back later if I feel like it.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
FC: 4699-7209-3224 
IGN: Ivan
Pokemon: Froakie
Age when I started: I think Red and Blue were released around my 10th birthday, so 9 or 10.

If you ever resurrect this at a later date, once my girlfriend has froggy-confirmation of your awesomeness, she may allow me to use her 3DS and friend code to make a second request for myself. Until that day (if it ever occurs), thanks in advance for making her very happy.

EDIT: Crap. Sorry I missed out. I'll look out for a reopening later tonight when I return from the gym. Or maybe some other time.
@Zhakien i still get the magikarp? sorry if i missed out, but i understand if it's too late now. Otherwise, I am ready now to do the trade.  :s

FC: 1822 4460 8410
Ok, I've calmed down and I'm back now.

Here is a list of requests still awaiting delivery.

@Selobgo - Roggenrola
@Lewin - Riolu
@teioh_link - Rowlet
@geetry - Noibat
@skulmuk - Marill
@RedPotato - Froakie
@peachmilkk - Marill
@jetevander - Rhyhorn
@DylanVGC - Snorlax (For munchlax, you would end up with a random Nature)
@VascoDaVincii98 - Dieno
@patriciasiahu - Roggenrola
@AniMangelo - Snorlax
@atonementblade - Magikarp
@yungkiss - Rowlet
@TheBadShinyHunter - Litten
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
(Feb 28, 2017, 08:48 PM)Zhakien Wrote: Ok, I've calmed down and I'm back now.

Here is a list of requests still awaiting delivery.

@Selobgo - Roggenrola
@Lewin - Riolu
@teioh_link - Rowlet
@geetry - Noibat
@skulmuk - Marill
@RedPotato - Froakie
@peachmilkk - Marill
@jetevander - Rhyhorn
@DylanVGC - Snorlax (For munchlax, you would end up with a random Nature)
@VascoDaVincii98 - Dieno
@patriciasiahu - Roggenrola
@AniMangelo - Snorlax
@atonementblade - Magikarp
@yungkiss - Rowlet
@TheBadShinyHunter - Litten

I am so sorry, I was busy with college and family stuff all day. I'd love my Marill whenever you can trade  Blush
Also, I'm not seeing a secret question? I must be blind or dumb.I apologize.  Shy
Don't worry about the secret question. I've removed it when I stopped taking additional requests. Besides, it didn't seem like many people bothered to actually read the intro post anyway.

I can head online now, so just post your FC and IGN so I can find you.  :D
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)

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