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[GIVEAWAY] Shiny Legendary Bird Trio Giveaway!
I would like a Zapdos plox! Heart :P

Pokemon Deposited: Zigzagoon
Level: 6
Gender: Female
Trainer Name: t3
Message: Blastoise4Presid
Friend Code: 3024-6391-0213 
Thank you!!
Shiny zapdos plz 
Deposited male skrelp lvl 1 
ign  JoNBoii
Plz and thanx can we do all three also?
Pokemon Wanted: Articuno
Pokemon Deposited: Aipom
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Calem
Message: Blastoise4Presid

If there are any left then thanks a lot. I'd love to get just any articuno. Starting XY I didn't know that a legendary bird depends on your starter and I messed up since Articuno is my favourite <3 (also one of my favourite pokemon in general)
can i have a Zapdos

Pokemon Deposited: Duskull
Level: 11
Gender: Female
Trainer Name: AhQuan
Message: Blastoise4Presid
Would it be possible to get direct trade I want all 3 or articuno and moltres
pokemon wanted Articuno pls Smile
pokemon deposited - tentacool
LVL - 25
IGN - Dusk Angelis
msg - Blastoise4Presid

the Shroomish I put up got sniped
can i reserve a pokemon?
Hey! Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to get all 3 if possible, gotta love shinies. Smile 
1st one I'd like to snag is Articuno.
Pokemon Deposited: Shelgon
Level: 30
Gender: Female
IGN: Alana
Message: Blastoise4Presid
could i please have all three, ill use gts on three of my games, if you can't do all, just do articuno
Pokemon wanted: articuno
Pokemon Deposited: Gible
Level: 1
Gender: male
IGN: Livito
Message: Blastoise4Presid

Pokemon wanted: moltres
Pokemon Deposited: Pachirisu
Level: 25
Gender: male
IGN: Livito
Message: Blastoise4Presid

Pokemon wanted: zaptos
Pokemon Deposited: voltorb
Level: 13
Gender: genderless
IGN: senpai
Message: Blastoise4Presid
Pokemon wanted: Zapdos, if not available Articuno is cool too!
Pokemon Deposited: Lapras
Level: 1
Gender: male
IGN: Blaze 
Message: Blastoise4Presid
Thanks in advanced! <3

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