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[GIVEAWAY] Shiny Yveltal /Shiny Xerneas giveaway...[closed]
Any chance I could get both for completing my National Dex? Already added you btw!Smile

My code is:5472-9965-3590
Thank you so much :D
shiny xerneas for me, thank you for the give away!!
Code on the left, Name: Panos
IGN: Ray
Hi i added you and i would like to get shiny xerneas 
Thanks you ^^
Hey added and was wondering if I could trade a BR helioisk it isn't shiny though if not shiny xerneas plz
Just added you, I'd like yveltal if you still have one
Added you! Either one is fine~!
Shiny uveltal please
shiny yveltal please added you

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