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[GIVEAWAY] #SylveonIsOP Giveaway
Pokemon depsoited: Pancham
Level: 37
IGN: PotatoMaster
Message: Sir Absol

TY for giveaway
pokemon deposited: nuzleaf (named Steve)
Gender: Male
Lvl: 33
IGN: David
Message: Sir Absol

Deposited: Jigglypuff
lvl: 18
IGN: Pangoliner
Thanks man!!
Hey dude,

Deposited: cubone
lvl: 1
IGN: NBK Niykee
MSg: Sir Absol

Deposited: Sylveon
Gender: Male
Level: 93
IGN: Matt
Message: Sir Absol

Thank you so much!

lmao snipes = 9
Pokemon deposited: Linoone
Level: 26
Gender: Female
IGN: Auris
Message: Sir Absol
"Two possibilities exist:

Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying."
Arthur C. Clarke

Pokemon deposited: slugma
Gender: female
Lvl: 15
Ign: David
Message: Sir absol
Thank you for the sylveon
(Feb 15, 2016, 02:18 AM)rakzztar Wrote: - Pokemon Deposited: Pawniard
--Gender/Level: female 21
---IGN: BryLly
----Message: Sir Absol

it got sniped

- Pokemon Deposited: magnemite
--Gender/Level: 25
---IGN: BryLly
----Message: Sir Absol
Pokemon Deposited: Girafarig
Gender: Male
Level: 28
IGN: Dread (Ace Trainer icon)
Message: Sir Absol

Thanks in advance! Smile
Can i have one ?

Pokemon Deposited: Togepi
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: Rahessa
Message: Sir Absol

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