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[GIVEAWAY] [TEMPORARILY CLOSED] Wei/Jdawg/Eddytay's Egg Giveaway!
Hello! Would I please be able to get a HA Froakie and a HA Torchic? My FC is 2208 - 5290 - 5791 and my IGN is Hannah. Smile
Hi guys, could I get a Venipede with Speed Boost and a Gligar with Poison Heal? Oh, and a Phione too :D
IGN : Turdbag.
Current status:
Pokefan: Piplup, Phione
Umadbro?: Phione [Eddy]

Klutzz: All starters (except Hoenn)
Spatulo: Chespin, HAFroakie, HATorchic [Jdawg]
Wolfslash77: HACyndaquil, HAGligar [Jdawg]
abhishekarora185: Gligar [Jdawg], Phione
LassieNessie (Hannah): HA Froakie, HA Torchic

Kurama: Chansey, Combee
LOLface: HAFroakie, HATorchic, Phione (Eddy)
digonidas: Oshawott, Snivy, Phione
DragonHeartGames: Squirtle, Oshawott, Charmander
Ak2urbrayn (Styles): Timid HAFroakie

LassieNessie - add my FC back as I have already added you ^^
Spatulo - add my FC just in case because I can also trade these mons with you if Jdawg is busy
abhishekarora - Me or Eddy can help you with Phione, Jdawg will help you with Gligar but I'm afraid we don't have a Speed Boost Venipede Sad

Thanks for the trades everyone! :D
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
(Oct 18, 2015, 09:18 AM)weisakura Wrote: Current status:
Pokefan: Piplup, Phione
Umadbro?: Phione [Eddy]

Klutzz: All starters (except Hoenn)
Spatulo: Chespin, HAFroakie, HATorchic [Jdawg]
Wolfslash77: HACyndaquil, HAGligar [Jdawg]
abhishekarora185: Gligar [Jdawg], Phione
LassieNessie (Hannah): HA Froakie, HA Torchic

Kurama: Chansey, Combee
LOLface: HAFroakie, HATorchic, Phione (Eddy)
digonidas: Oshawott, Snivy, Phione
DragonHeartGames: Squirtle, Oshawott, Charmander
Ak2urbrayn (Styles): Timid HAFroakie

LassieNessie - add my FC back as I have already added you ^^
Spatulo - add my FC just in case because I can also trade these mons with you if Jdawg is busy
abhishekarora - Me or Eddy can help you with Phione, Jdawg will help you with Gligar but I'm afraid we don't have a Speed Boost Venipede Sad

Thanks for the trades everyone! :D

That's all right. The other two are great as is :D I should be awake for the next two hours (if you guys can come online), or else after work tomorrow Smile
(Oct 18, 2015, 09:18 AM)weisakura Wrote: Current status:
Pokefan: Piplup, Phione
Umadbro?: Phione [Eddy]

Klutzz: All starters (except Hoenn)
Spatulo: Chespin, HAFroakie, HATorchic [Jdawg]
Wolfslash77: HACyndaquil, HAGligar [Jdawg]
abhishekarora185: Gligar [Jdawg], Phione
LassieNessie (Hannah): HA Froakie, HA Torchic

Kurama: Chansey, Combee
LOLface: HAFroakie, HATorchic, Phione (Eddy)
digonidas: Oshawott, Snivy, Phione
DragonHeartGames: Squirtle, Oshawott, Charmander
Ak2urbrayn (Styles): Timid HAFroakie

LassieNessie - add my FC back as I have already added you ^^
Spatulo - add my FC just in case because I can also trade these mons with you if Jdawg is busy
abhishekarora - Me or Eddy can help you with Phione, Jdawg will help you with Gligar but I'm afraid we don't have a Speed Boost Venipede Sad

Thanks for the trades everyone! :D

Added! Just let me know when they're ready. Thanks for breeding them for me! Smile
IGN and FC on then left.
Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup please?
Thanks again!
Would it be okay for me to get a Phione egg? My friend code is on the left; My trainer name is also Cam, Thanks!
sure, add me Smile
(for phiones)
LassieNessie - I can trade with you whenever you're online! :D

Abhishekakora + Arts&Trash - I can trade you the eggs if you guys are online at the same time as I am, if not Eddy can trade you guys too! (He has one whole box of them!! xD)

digaopg96 - Yours shall be ready soon Smile

Edit: Abhishekakora, Arts&Trash, LassieNessie, digaopg96 - yours eggs are all ready! :D
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
i would like an HA male riolu please! :D for trade i have a newly hatched female pawniard Smile FC: 4442-1283-9149
(Oct 19, 2015, 01:47 AM)Kimimaro99kaguya Wrote: manatee? more like moist :D

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