Poll: What to giveaway next?
This poll is closed.
Shiny goomy
14 38.89%
Shiny lucario
10 27.78%
Shiny gardevoir
6 16.67%
Shiny sceptile
6 16.67%
Total 36 vote(s) 100%
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[GIVEAWAY] Ultimate Pokemon Center Staraptor Giveaway [closed]
Pokemon requested: Staraptor
Pokemon deposited: kecleon
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: FkMatt
 thanks +rep in advance  :P
@FkMatt  Sent! Enjoy :P
Pokemon Deposited - Darumaka
Level - 1
Gender - male
IGN scorpionhbk / scorphbk
GTS Message - UPC GOTW

And thanks ^^
@Scorpionhbk  just checked the GTS and no staraptor request, make sure to put 91 and above!!
(May 3, 2016, 10:44 PM)Davizz Wrote: @Scorpionhbk  just checked the GTS and no staraptor make sure to put 91 and above!!
Ok so i've redeposit the same pokemon with the lvl 91 + requirement and thanks ^^
@Scorpionhbk  Sent! Enjoy Smile
(May 3, 2016, 10:49 PM)Davizz Wrote: @Scorpionhbk  Sent! Enjoy Smile
 Got It Thanks ^^
No problem
requested: staravia
deposited: lvl3 male wynaut
ign: Xzo
message: UPC GOTW
@xenzeno  sent enjoy!

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