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[GIVEAWAY] X-Mas Gifts very Small give away
hey guys i got a v pleasant surprise today while i was on wonder trade putting up my better leftovers from breeding so that some new ORAS players would get pokemon they could only dream of during the start of the game such as 4-5iv scythers i got a shiny mudkip. While this is great and all i already have one from breeding. As a result i was going to drop this back on wonder trade but then i noticed the OT was Club penguin which ik is the username of a user on here could be coincidence but since it reminded me of how people here love shines so i'm offering this shiny mudkip up as an Xmas present for someone. Ideally going to someone who will actually love it and use it.

Also as a little bonus i have a 5Iv 4 egg move adamant mudkip who is lacking the sp att iv so he just needs eving and he's ready for battling and he's up for grabs as well and note i can nickname this 1 for you if you would like :D

Edit: given the fast replies i'm gona hold a raffle tommorow for the shiny. bear in mind he not good for competitive play at all no max iv's 0 in attack and a relaxed nature. Entries will close at midday (12:00) boxing day uk time (GMT) as by then xmas day will have ended where ever you are in the world :P.
I would like the shiny please!

IGN: Crimzonz
FC: left <<<<

I already have Torchic, and I'm looking for the other 2 shiny hoenn starters so I could make a shiny hoenn starter trio :O

Please, I don't know what you'd want for it, but anythinggggggggg that I have :c
he's not much of a fighter i'm afraid i just checked his iv's none maxed and attacks 0 + a boosted def and - speed nature poor guys the runt of the shiny litter Sad

I just wanted him to go to a good home if alot of people are interested i'll randomise it with a raffle at the end
(Dec 25, 2014, 12:50 PM)evilsabre Wrote: he's not much of a fight i'm afraid i just checked his iv's none maxed and attacks 0 + a boosted def and - speed nature poor guys the runt of the shiny litter Sad

I dont mind
(Dec 25, 2014, 12:50 PM)evilsabre Wrote: he's not much of a fight i'm afraid i just checked his iv's none maxed and attacks 0 + a boosted def and - speed nature poor guys the runt of the shiny litter Sad

That's fine. I'll still take him. I've been looking for one of these for 4 days already. Pls.
i'll hold a raffle for him guys tomorrow i don't want to think i'm being unfair to people just because of post time etc given the commitments people have today and i didn't really expect 2 posts withing a minute of each other. XD
I want to be in it
Haha this is such a nice giveaway! (I'm not entering tho since I already have the will Mudkip-evolution line in shiny xD)

But about the OT I don't think it's Clubpenguin since she goes by her IGN Veronica. If I'm right then xD
yea i thought the same Eeveeli still it was so weird to see XD

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