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[GIVEAWAY] anything u want people!!!!(closed)
Hello! Do you happen to have a 6 or 5IV(-Attack) Calm Shiny Vaporeon?
Np mate. Do you maybe have a Jolly Shiny Tyranitar 5-6iv? Smile
(Sep 2, 2015, 08:00 AM)adolf hipstar Wrote: oh man sorry but i got other pokemon if u want i ain't got meloetta not really a legendary collector.i train br and shiny pkm.any thing else?

Umm, all groovy! let's see...

What about:

Pokemon: Gengar
Shiny: Heck yea!!
IVs: 31 all across
Nature: Timid
Gender: Female
Ability: Levitate
Level: 1
Moves: Perish Song, Reflect Type, Disable & Shadow Ball
Inside a Premium Ball
Item: Gengarite

Does this work? >.<
New to the Forum? Visit a 5IV Pokemon Giveaway here.

I am Breeder. Need help? Ask away!.

Oh would it be possible for me to get a HP Ice Zapdos with the appropriate IVS? Preferred natures would be Modest or Bold. Let me know if this works Smile
(Sep 2, 2015, 07:55 AM)adolf hipstar Wrote:
(Sep 2, 2015, 04:54 AM)LegendRatchet Wrote: Welcome back!
So you said anything? Now I am searching for a Krookodile with a joly nature and the ability intimidate.  And if possible with the blue pentagon.

oh man i'm really disappointin people!man!i got other goodies like a hell lot but seriously want somethin else?like give me a category i'll recommend and give u one

Maybe you got a timid flash fire heatren or a modest zapdos?
i'm wondering, would i be able to get a BR Modest Cyndaquil? if so, it's for my Omega Ruby, not my X, IGN: Simon
If not, would i be able to get a 6IV Ditto, or are you fresh out of those?
(Sep 2, 2015, 06:32 AM)Bulbasaur4Life Wrote: Do you have a bold or modest Suicune? :D

IGN: Ronnie
FC: 1049 1585 0845

Saw that you don't really do legendaries!

Do you have a modest Volcorona or a jolly Breloom?
Hey man, would I be able to get a Drought Ninetales or a Flame Body Rapidash?
may i mave a modest unnerve 6iv shiny mewtwo and in a premier ball if possible?

really ill take any shiny mewtwo lol
5 iv thundurus, 0 atk, modest nature.
IGN: Matthew
FC: 1779-2884-2979

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