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[GIVEAWAY] breeding immunity gligar
alright that's fine just add me and send the trade when you're ready
(Oct 8, 2015, 09:14 PM)Nezha Wrote: gligar's been on my list of things to shiny hunt for a while now, and since i've finally gotten around to it and happen to have a poison heal gliscor that i use in the battle maison, i figured i'd breed immunity gligar and give them away so i'm not just releasing somewhere around 250 of them until i get a shiny

they do not have any egg moves, they actually only have poison sting as a starting move, but if you want, you can breed the one i give you to put egg moves on the children. they're also in timer balls

i've already got a box full of gligar, so at least the first 30 or so trades should be quick enough as long as you ask while i'm already online

i also don't need anything in return, as i already have the shiny charm and all

Are you still giving away gligar? Ive been looking for a imunity one for like 3 days i would really apreciate it if you could trade me 1
If you have any immunity gligar left, could you pass me one?

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