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[GIVEAWAY] shiny and legendary giveaway UPDATED
i have gotten alot of shinys and legendarys over wondertrade recently that i have no need for but dont want to realese so im giving them to you guys and gals remember since i did get these over wondertrade i dont know if these are hacked or anything so here are the pokemon i am giving away

6iv shinys


other shinys

typhlosion not 6gen
wobbuffet not 6gen
forretress not 6gen


registeel not 6gen
shiny 6iv groudon

each person can have 2 pokemon and when you trade me give me something that i wouldnt feel bad about releaseing because i need more space in my pc i will be adding new pokemon every week or 2 enjoy
Nice giveaway! :D
New to the Forum? Visit a 5IV Pokemon Giveaway here.

I am Breeder. Need help? Ask away!.

Can I get the normal Jirachi and the shiny Eevee?
Hey, can I get Gardevoir and Greninja? My FC is 2766-9271-3829and my IGN will be Cash.
Make sure you ladies and gents hook rman up with some rep if they help you out <3
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Could I get a terrakion and cresselia please.
IGN: Kyle
FC: 1735-9948-6194

Thank you so much!
Could I possibly get the terrakion?
FC: 2492-4114-6480
IGN: Rob
Can I get the lugia and suicune? Ign is Ian and fc is 083425593296

Awesome thanks!
can i get a shiny 6iv greninja & tentacruel Smile
<---- ign and fc
Can I get the shiny nocktowl and the shiny Jirachi.
FC is in my description


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