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[GUIDE] (GLITCH) Pokemon Gold & Silver: Get every obtainable Pokemon
Pokemon Gold and Silver has an infamous glitch that allows you to obtain every Pokemon in the game. This will be useful if you, for example, don't feel like catching every Pokemon or you don't have both versions to trade between and complete the Pokedex normally.

- Following items IN ORDER inside your PC; Anything, Anything, 13 X Accuracies, 1 TM28, Anything, 33 Super Repels, 1 TM39, 38 Pokeballs, 1 TM30, Anything, 37 Pokedolls, 34 Awakenings, 62 Antidotes, 22 Great Balls, 1 TM22, Anything, 30 Paralyze Heals, 18 Ragecandybars, 46 Repels, HM03, 1 X Speed, 18 Full Heals, 51 Flower Mails, 1 TM06, Anything and any amount of TM41
- Quagsire with Sleep Talk in the 1st Attack Slot and holding a Protien in the 4th slot of your Party
- A useless Pokemon in the 3rd slot of your Party, if the glitch fails you can go catch another Pokemon.
- A Pokemon in the 5th slot of your Party whose HP stat corresponds to the Pokedex Number of the Pokemon you want. i.e. A Pokemon with 150 HP will yield Mewtwo. HP Stat is based on the current HP, not Max HP, so I recommend a Chansey as your HP user.
- Party Slots 1 & 2 are not important, but I recommend using a dummy Pokemon in these slots as it may turn into a different Pokemon, I'm not sure what triggers this.

- Arrange the items listed above in your PC in the order listed
- Go inside Prof. Elm's Lab, save the game and then reset
- Go outside and move 4 steps right
- Open the Pokedex and listen to Machop's cry
- Go to your pack, move at least 1 pocket (i.e go from TMs/HMs pocket to Key items pocket) and then use the Coin Case
- At this moment you're in the Glitch Dimension. Just exit the menu, and you will be transported to the Bug Catching Contest where you'll then recieve your Pokemon.
- The Pokemon will have a Glitch moveset and EXP bar, just go the Daycare and deposit and withdraw the Pokemon for it to be fixed. The moves however will stay the same. The Level/DVs/Moveset will correspond to the last Pokemon you caught in the Bug Catching Contest, i.e. A Level 8 Caterpie with String Shot and Tackle will result in your |EXAMPLE| Mewtwo being Level 8 and have String Shot and Tackle. If you've never caught a Pokemon in the Bug Catching Contest, the Pokemon will be Level 0, have no stats or moves. The Daycare will fix this.

I have done this on the original copies, and on an emulator, considering all of Red, Blue and Yellow's glitches were left in, I presume this Glitch will be in the Virtual Console releases of Gold and Silver. I'll update this if I'm later proven wrong/right.
Thanks for all the good times~
Important. To do this on one copy of the game, you'll need to have an item duplication glitch, so let me know if you want my guide for Item Duplication too
Thanks for all the good times~
(Sep 21, 2017, 09:23 AM)Kris Wrote: Important. To do this on one copy of the game, you'll need to have an item duplication glitch, so let me know if you want my guide for Item Duplication too

I'd really like to have a guide on gsc item duplication.  I'm not quite sure how to do that yet.
@Chansey I need to figure out if the old Glitches are still in the game or not first. I'm hoping they are
Thanks for all the good times~
UUuu, this is very usefull, i just remembered that in the old games Gold/crystal or silver, there was a ''trade battle'' of when you battle in a big house with 1 trainer and he used pokemon that a friend traded/or used in battle against you.

I remember that a friend of mine had a battle with me using Mew Lv100 and some others, but i never could go pass that (just like the trainer in the anime that had a darkrai and latios but nobody never knew what the others were)

I hope its still there, and since i have 2 3ds i want to battle using my other 3ds against my one using a mew just like old times and then battle against that normal trainer to see if i can finally beat a mew there.

And make some big teams to battle against, with that glitch it could help a lot if still works!
@Drangor2 Ooh I think I know the trainer you mean. Yeah this glitch will be extremely useful if we can in fact use it
Thanks for all the good times~
Huge shoutout to LadyKrimZen o YouTube, proving the Starter Cloning Glitch Works I will write out my item duplication glitch guide a little later today
Thanks for all the good times~

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