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Hacked Pokémon on battlesuit?
Hey guys my friend recorded a video on his phone of him playing a battle spot against hacked Pokémon. For example his mawile had recover, his slyveon had a legendary Pokemon move etc. And after he killed them all they wouldn't die, the battle just timed out. I've genned lots of Pokémon in the past but the system is really strict, even the slightest error on my part makes the Pokémon get rejected. I think it sucks that people can do this, anyone had this kind of experience online?
This has been reported by some regular Singles, VGC, and BS Doubles players who weren't expecting a hacker in the official ladder, and ranking system. One of my friends KantoCastBlue actually recorded a video of a "Argentine" BS Doubles player. It seems like who ever is hacking into their game, they are manually able to change the movesets in the actual battle using some software, and get some free wins using some "unconventional" surprise sets. Also don't feel guilty in any way about using as honestly there isn't much we can do, aside hope from Game Freak's end they actually do something about this, though Idk as Battle Spot's services will discontinue with S/M.

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