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Games That Are So Bad They're Good
Have any favorites among some of those intentionally bad games? My favorite would have to be the Fantastic Game.

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haha I think the worst game I've ever played that I keep going back to is Back To The Future for NES. It doesn't make any sense, and the levels are horribly repetitive.
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Oh gosh, there are a lot of those, but I think my favorite is Michigan: Report From Hell. It's a horror game about this news reporter crew going through spooky situations. The graphics are reminiscent of silent hill and the voice acting is absolutely hilarious. Definitely a funny one.
Main/Replay Mod
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Cute Charm
Move of choice: Sketch
Pokemon Channel.

Whoever thought having Psyduck as a news anchor and Wobuffet as a quiz show host is a insane genius
Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3/Xbox.
The glitches in the game are very entertaining to watch when you're playing! Kappa
I know this thread is really old but I want to tell you mine now that I'm here lol.

Mario Party: Island Tour

I know this game didn't get a lot of negativity but it sure did get a decent amount (I think it got the most out of all the Mario Party's). I just find this game pretty fun. Whenever I'm board(See what I did there?), I'll just have one or two games. I do enjoy Island Tour.

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