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Giveaway Guidelines: How To Host Giveaways

Howdy friends! So you've decided to host a giveaway and share some Pokemon? That is so generous of you, I really appreciate what you're doing for this community. In order to help you make efficient giveaways, I have a few pointers here. I just want to alleviate any strain you may face, although many of you already know the guidelines I'm putting on the table now.

1. SET YOUR OWN RULES FOR YOUR GIVEAWAY. There's ultimately only one person who can tell you what rules to make, and that is yourself. Of the prominent figures here, (no pointing fingers, you know who you are) some require GTS-only transfers, some require only specific Pokemon be offered up to trade, some require participants to only make requests during specific hours. All of these rules work great simply because they were written by the giveaway hosts. Setting clear expectations ahead of time will prevent any problems from occurring and stem any misunderstanding in general. If you are hosting your first giveaway or are new to the craft, look at some of those more prominent figures as an example for how to model your own project. If you host your own giveaway and find users who have a hard time following your rules, please contact me or @Unit501, or any of the global mod team, and we will come to an appropriate resolution. Following this guideline benefits you and everyone around you.

2. GEN YOUR OWN DANG POKEMON. Look, I know how it is. I would never have considered making an attempt at giveaways if it weren't for the wonderful folks here who have shared their lovely creations on the forums. But I learned the hard way the stupid way that you have to put in the work yourself to do what they do. 4-5 IV breedject giveaways are seldom popular hits, and fit much more snugly within the Pokemon Trading, Breeding, & Friend Safari section. For that reason, in order to host a giveaway here, you will have the best outcome by simply Genning your Pokemon. Some prefer to use PowerSaves, some use PKHex. In either case, learn how to use one of these programs, make legal Pokemon only, and don't rely on another user to support your giveaway. If someone approaches you to Gen Pokemon for them directly, please contact me or @Unit501, or any of the global mod team, and we will come to an appropriate resolution. Following this guideline benefits you and everyone around you.

3. HAVE FUN AND FOLLOW YOUR HEART. I think it's safe to say that giveaway hosts aren't taking any considerable gain from their posts here. Aside from the rep system, there is very little actual reward for hosting a giveaway, and even that rep seems a bit hollow to some. For that reason, if ever you decide to host a giveaway, don't simply cow-tow to whatever the demands of the forum are. If people are screaming for top competitive Pokemon, that does not mean that you have to give away top competitive Pokemon. Themes can be fun. Your favorite Pokemon can be fun. If you want to share a special attacking Kangaskhan or a bulky stall Noivern, go for it! Start a giveaway if it's fun, and end it as soon as it's not. The whole point of being here is to have a good time. If users are harassing you because you aren't giving away the Pokemon they want or because you ended a giveaway too soon, please contact me or @Unit501, or any of the global mod team, and we will come to an appropriate resolution.  Following this guideline benefits you and everyone around you.

Thank you all for keeping to the rules, I wish you all the best. Thank you for what you do.
Can you h*ck me a Ditto?

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