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Giving Aloan Vulpix w/ Pokerus [Closed]
Does it have to be a rat or a Wingull? I left you a Jangmo-o Smile

Pokemon: Jangmo-o
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: Hisoka
Message (GTS): Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
@R2LSD2 I don't see  it, someone else probably traded if you still want one try again tomorrow 11/25 at like 11:00AM-9:00PM PST I'll be on then
@OT_Hisoka any pokemon is fine tbh I just thought rat and wingull would've had less chance of being taken but I guess I was wrong? cuz someone took another person's wingull anyways lol someone else traded you I just got home, I'll be on for the next hour if you still want it, if not I'll be on tomorrow 11/25 11:00AM-9:00PM PST ^^

edit: typos

sounds good i will try again tomorrow. Thanks alot

Message (GTS):please trade pokemon with me.thanks in advance
@R2LSD2 done!

thanks alot!
Pokemon: Wingull
Gender: Male
Message (GTS): I want to fill my pokedex.

Thanks in advance Smile
@Nimbus314 done!
(Nov 25, 2016, 04:08 PM)Ciiro Wrote: @Nimbus314 done!

Thanks a ton!

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