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Got a 3DS for Christmas and Looking for Friends
Hey guys I got a 3DS XL for Christmas along with Pokemon Y and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.  I'm looking for some friends for Friend Safaris as well as trading, battling, etc. Let me know what your Friend Code is.  Mine is:

Hey add me 049086622927
You got my games that I have!
I would like to add you.
FC to the left with info.
Add me shiny mew i have alpha sapphire
add me( Omega Ruby)
(------------Friend Code
Add me, I got both of those games!
Hey. Add me too. Mine is 0748-3620-7924. I have both.
I got a 3ds for christmas too.
<<<--- My friend code.
Adding you too.
"Two possibilities exist:

Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.

Both are equally terrifying."
Arthur C. Clarke

hello my friend safari has wartortle thats pretty good
my fc is 1289-8836-1936 my ign for pokemon x is bebby and alpha sapphire is bob
ALSO MY MII IS AN ADORABLE FROG ISNT THAT CUTE!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1!11!!!!!!
Hello~ I have Y (ign Rachael) and Alpha (current ign is Scott but soon going to make a new game to Rachael though)
my FS is Flying: Spearow Woobat Hawlucha
FC is 4184-2142-4293 name is R

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