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Hai everyone!
Hi hi everyone, you may or may not know me from elsewhere on the internet. I'm Cyander, just a person who shinyhunts and watches streams. In Australian timezone, so I can't really be on when everyone else is on.
I play the TCG but a a total n00b at it (tjfRekt), I try to do online battles but suck (KappaHD) and procrastinates everything is currently waiting for ORAS  Smile

Oh, one more thing. My Friend Safari is Water with Wartortle, Krabby, Frogadier. Friend Code is 4356-0912-9498 | IGN Cyander, and my TSV is 0227. If you know what that is, feel free to ask me. If you don't, carry on.

So I think that's about it. Uhmm.. yah kbai

Oh, I also have a living dex if people need dex help Smile
Welcome to the forums!
Welcome Cyander! :D
[Image: welcome.gif]
welcome :D
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